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Ed Tech Star of the Month

September 2017 - Michelle Stangle

Michelle Stangle
What Do You Teach?
4th grade ELA
Where Do you Teach?
Highlands Elementary
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
6 years

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
We use technology in my room on a daily basis whether it be the Promethean board, slate, clickers, IPADS, etc. Edtech is special in many ways. We often use the Promethean during whole group instruction to bring learning to life. I can display a passage or paragraph from a story and kids use the slate to underline the main ideas, or jot down their thoughts, or highlight key vocabulary. Their eyes light up when they realize they are not having to use paper and pencil! We are fortunate enough with the IPADS to let students produce their work through various apps such as Popplet, Haiku Deck, iMovie, Timeline, etc. Students were very excited to turn in some products in Google Drive, then were proud to go home and show their parents what they had completed in school. I truly think EdTech raises the interest and engagement level of our students.
Students using technology
How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?

I believe technology is a total asset to the classroom. Many times teachers are blessed with such a diverse group of students. It becomes necessary to plan accordingly. With the different educational websites, apps, and tools, each students can be successful at their own level. Producing student work through an app like Popplet, or iMovie, students get the chance to put their creativity on display. Technology tools such as the clickers allow students to have a more hands on approach to learning with that instant feedback they crave!
What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
My favorite piece of technology is our IPADS. One of the first lessons I teach my students at the beginning of the year is how a school IPAD, and home IPAD are different. We do get time to, "free play" on them, but often they are used to produce work electronically. I, as well as the kids love working with the technology specialist to learn new apps. I feel confident in the days, and weeks after that I can use them in my classroom as they fit the lesson. When we are working with an app such as Tellagami or Haiku Deck its great to observe kids taking it to a higher level.

What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
My wish for my classroom would be the Apple TV. I've heard about them and a little bit about what it includes. I would be anxious to learn a new tool to motivate and engage my students.
What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
I'm here for the kids! I truly believe there is no other profession that is more self rewarding. Seeing the light bulb go off as their face lights up with excitement when they've been struggling is the best! As busy as the day gets I love being the shoulder they cry on in the hall because they had a bad night. I love being the hand they high five when they achieved a goal! The hugs at the end of the day just because. Smiling and laughing at each other when something is funny! I also enjoy collaborating with my team, and sharing ideas to best benefit our students to reach levels of success!
Students using technology

Nominated by:
Diana Truesdale, Crockett Elementary Librarian "Ms. Stangle and I collaborate together consistently. She is always looking for ways to integrate technology, whether it be with the clickers or apps on the iPads. But she does not just integrate technology for the sake of simply using it in her classroom. She wants to find new, innovative ways to teach the content while still holding her students accountable. At the same time, she wants to allow them to demonstrate their knowledge in new ways rather than just through traditional methods. Her students respond well with each new aspect of technology that is introduced. They are fully, actively engaged. They enjoy the learning process even more because they are given a new outlet for demonstrating their knowledge. "