What Do You Teach?
Where Do you Teach?
Robert E. Lee High
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
6 years
How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Educational technology is essential in my classroom as it enables me to create engaging activities that capture students' attention and enhance their learning experience.
How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?
I find technology in the classroom helpful because it allows me to cater to different learning styles, ensuring that all students can engage with the material in ways that work best for them. It also acts as a time-saver, helping me manage activities efficiently and keep lessons on track.
What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
My favorite piece of classroom technology is Apple TV because it allows me to move around freely without being restricted by wires.
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
On my technology wish list for my classroom are charging cubes, charging cables, and stylus pens for tablets. The students would appreciate having these items readily available to ensure their devices stay powered and they can interact more effectively with digital materials.
What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
What I love most about teaching is working with the same students over time and watching them grow in both their knowledge and skills.
What is one thing you would like to add to your tech wish list?
I would like to add hand sanitizer to the wish list. It's something students go through quickly and a popular request by them.
Nominated by Morgan Cupps: "Mr. Botello is constantly implementing different apps in his classroom for students to display their learning. Whether it be by gamification or through videos, Mr. Botello engages students in a manner that fits all their needs. His use of clips and flipgrid for his EB students to vocalize their learning is honestly amazing. He has a talent of using technology to keep is students engaged and accountable in their learning."