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May 2013 - Deborah Gardner

Deborah Gardner is a 5th grade Reading and Language Arts teacher at Lamar Elementary. Mrs. Gardner has created a learning environment in which student achievement is enhanced through both traditional and technology integrated lessons. She uses a variety of technology programs available through the district and Web2.0 tools seamlessly throughout her instruction. Mrs. Gardner’s favorite Web2.0 tool “is Edmodo because it allows for around the clock interaction between myself and my students.” Mrs. Gardner frequently monitors her groups and is able to answer and comment to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This has brought a new and useful dynamic to her 21st century classroom.

Student using technology Mrs. Gardner integrates technology in many aspects of her classroom. Some of the examples of lessons include using Microsoft PowerPoint where students showcased their original poetry, with sound, in a presentation format. She has also strengthened their dictionary skills by u
sing an internet webquest she created using the Web2.0 tool During Lamar’s Reading Olympics Mrs. Gardner, along with her team, utilized technology in several ways: 

• Flip cameras were used to record the students reading a reader’s theater script. Students then watched the video and used it to discuss the mood of the script that was read.
• Students used the internet to conduct a Poetry Scavenger Hunt. Using laptops and accessing Kenn Nesbitt’s website students looked for elements of poetry.
• Using a projector and Mimio, students played a Vocabulary Game Show.
Student using technology
Incorporating Science into her Language Arts curriculum, Mrs. Gardner had her students create a Claymation movie about the food chain. Students used a digital camera to photograph objects, showing small movement each time. Students then imported the pictures into Windows Movie Maker, adjusting the timing to create a fluid movement as shown below.

Mrs. Gardner works with the 5th grade team at Lamar Elementary and has emerged as a leader for integration of technology in the classroom. This summer Mrs. Gardner will participate in both game based and project based learning courses. Taking what she learns back into the classroom, Mrs. Gardner will incorporate materials and information, “to induce critical thinking skills, engagement, and rigor” in her students next year. We applaud her for these accomplishments both present and future.