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April 2014 - Margaret Ehlig

Margaret Ehlig

What Do You Teach?
PK-5 Library

Where Do you Teach?
San Jacinto Elementary

How Long Have You Been Teaching?
21 years

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Modern libraries are very high tech, and that includes elementary libraries. Students use computers to take Accelerated Reader tests and to access the online card catalog to find books. K-5th grade students use laptops for research using databases like PebbleGo and World Book Online. Students in the book club use Edmodo to communicate about the books they are reading and to take quizzes and answer surveys.
Student using technology
How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?
Having the laptop cart available to my students makes using the card catalog easy and accessible. With each student having his/her own laptop, he/she doesn't have to wait for a desktop computer to become available. All of my intermediate students use their laptops every time they visit the library and are becoming very savvy at navigating the card catalog and databases. The laptops are especially valuable as students are researching their individual topics.

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
Having the laptops available to access Edmodo was very helpful as our fifth grade book club participated in the Global Read Aloud project. They were able to communicate weekly with students at DeZavala Elementary and a school in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada who were also reading the same book. Through Edmodo, they also answered a survey concerning the book that was posted by students in Hawaii. I learned about this project last summer by attending Edmodocon, a day long series of webinars. Edmodo is also helpful to teachers as it grades quizzes and records grades that can be exported to an Excel file. Also, I was able to collaborate in Edmodo with other teachers whose students were participating in the reading project. Teachers shared ideas and resources. At the end of the project, the teacher who created the event interviewed the author of the book. My students were able to watch this via YouTube. I also like using to create quizzes and educational games.

What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
I would love to have a class set of iPads. I was able to borrow an iPad from one of our teachers to show my students the DynaVox app that was similar to a device that was used by a character in a book. She had cerebral palsy and had not been able to converse with her family or fellow students until she received a device that allowed her to communicate for the first time. Using this app helped the students to really understand the character and her excitement at finally being able to share her thoughts. There are so many resources for students that are available for use on iPads.

What Do You Love Most About Teaching?Student using technology
I love making connections with students and connecting students with books. Anything that I can do to encourage students to love books and to be better readers will help them in every aspect of their lives. Not only will they score higher on standardized tests, but they will be able to learn independently and communicate more effectively.

Nominated by:
Lori Roberts, Ed Tech Specialist for Lee Feeder Pattern
"Mrs. Ehlig is a technology leader not only on her campus, but also for others. She collaborates on technology-rich lessons with other librarians throughout Goose Creek CISD. Mrs. Ehlig is a pioneer in the district when it comes to online book clubs for her students. This idea has spread to other elementary and junior school campuses in the district."