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February 2015 - Erin Stripling

Erin Stripling
What Do You Teach?
Where Do you Teach?
James Bowie Elementary

How Long Have You Been Teaching?
10 years

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
I use technology in everything we do. I use our Promethean board, clickers, ActivSlate and student computers. Some of my favorite sites are Brain Pop Jr, EduSmart, YouTube, Starfall, Bookflix, United Streaming and ABC Mouse. If we are not using a teacher made flipchart or the document camera, I am streaming music or using an online visual timer. Technology not only aides in instruction but in classroom management as well. Student using technology
How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?
Technology in the classroom helps us to provide our students with a different learning experience than they are exposed to otherwise. We are able to provide visuals like never before. I strive to teach all students the way they learn and technology enables me to incorporate visual, auditory and kinesthetic modes of learning. My students are much more motivated and engaged with classroom technology. Lessons that were not as successful in the past are given new life now.

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
My favorite piece of technology is the Promethean board. My students get so excited to be a part of the action. The joy my students have for learning impresses me more and more each day.My students favorite piece of technology are the clickers. We take AR tests, vote on rewards and so much more with them.
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
I would love to have a set of iPads that I could use for small group instruction. I would be able to differentiate my instruction even more and the kids would love having something in their hands to work with. The ability to utilize technology independently is becoming increasingly important for our students to learn.
What Do You Love Most About Teaching?Student using technology
I love the joy and excitement that my students have for learning. They are always eager for more and I love being the one that feeds that eagerness. My students come to me knowing very little and I am so proud of how much they learn before they move on to first grade.

Nominated by:
Courtney Leverton, James Bowie Elementary Teacher "
She makes a flipchart for everything, and they are all very interactive. She shares these flipcharts with her Kindergarten team and is always willing to show someone how she made them. She has also integrated the use of the clickers for the Promethean Board into her daily lessons. Her students are always engaged and excited to learn because of the amount of technology she uses."