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January 2015 - Janie Rodriguez

Janie Rodriguez
What Do You Teach?
Where Do you Teach?
David Crockett Elementary

How Long Have You Been Teaching?
5 years

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Technology is the heart of instruction in my classroom and serves as a valuable resource for teaching Reading, Math, Writing, Science and Social Studies TEKS. My students are actively engaged while using problem solving and critical thinking skills. They are also making decisions and evaluating their progress. I am currently using ActivInspire (Teacher made Flipcharts), Edu Smart, Brain Pop Jr., AR (using clickers), Pearson and much more. Student using technology
How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?
Technology is our road map to successful and meaningful lessons. Using technology in my classroom helps increase my students’ motivation, builds self-esteem, and provides collaboration with peers (turn and talk). In addition to this, technology helps my students build endurance with longer attention spans for 5-6 year olds. My students are enthusiastic about learning and techno savvy.

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
The Promethean Board and the software ActivInspire are my favorite classroom technology pieces because of the joy and eagerness I see in my students when they are participating in Flipchart activities that I created for them.

What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
I am very grateful for the technology that I currently have in my classroom. My only wish would be for my students to have a set of touch laptops to help them develop fine motor skills. In addition a classroom laptop cart would be amazing.
What Do You Love Most About Teaching?Student using technology
It warms my heart each morning when I see my students walking into my classroom excited about learning. I love being part of taking a hand in planting that small seed and seeing the beautiful flourished learner my students become by the end of the year. I love that I have been given the opportunity to work with them; I honor and cherish every moment and use every opportunity as a learning experience while never taking for granted those teachable moments. I love the teacher in me that never gives up and each day brings a fresh start to teach another amazing lesson using technology.

Nominated by:
Diana Truesdale, Crockett Elementary Librarian "
Janie utilizes the Promethean board seamlessly into her classroom. She has made her own INCREDIBLE flipcharts that incorporate higher level strategies and techniques. This promotes collaboration, interaction, and higher level thinking skills in her classroom." Becky Robins, Crockett Elementary Principal "Janie utilizes technology in every lesson. Janie is a former 3rd grade teacher and she understands the rigor and instructional needs necessary to make connections with learning. She is a master at bridging technology with academia and it is a joy to watch her work!"