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September 2015 - Luke Goodin

Luke Goodin
What Do You Teach?
8th Grade US History
Where Do you Teach?
Gentry Junior High School
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
1 year

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Ed Tech plays a huge role in my classroom. Almost every single assignment that we complete involves the use of laptops and our Google Drive. Student using technology
How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?
I find technology in the classroom extremely helpful. It allows me to find new and interesting ways to keep the students engaged and on task. It also allows the students to be responsible for their own learning and use resources such as Google to find information for themselves.

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
Google Drive is undoubtedly my favorite piece of classroom technology. It has allowed me to begin giving my students instant feedback while they are completing assignments. This is vital when checking for knowledge and taking steps to ensure that students reach the required level of mastery.
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
iPads - so that we could begin to utilize the camera and microphone to begin introducing learning strategies that wouldn't be possible without the technology. I think they are also a lot more accessible than laptops for doing quick warm-ups etc.
What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
Student using technology
I love having the chance to impact students lives.

Nominated by:
Jennifer Stephens, Junior High Technology Integration Specialist "
Mr. Goodin uses technology in the classroom that allows students to take an active role in their learning. His 7th grade students are active users of Google Drive. Creating newspapers, timelines and presentations are just some of the lessons his students are doing. Mr. Goodin's 8th grade students stay engaged with the active use of clickers as well as using the laptops for research. This research tool allows students to bring the world into their classroom."