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April 2016 - Licette Garcia-Alvarez

Licette Garcia-Alvarez
What Do You Teach?
Bilingual Pre-K
Where Do you Teach?
San Jacinto Elementary
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
6 years

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Educational Technology plays a major role in my classroom and as well as beneficial. It helps me provide an extra presentation tool for the classroom, aid my instruction and with a better quality. It also enhances the learning process of students. Students are engaged and motivated.
Student using technologyHow Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?
Technology in the classroom is extremely helpful, because it allows the teacher numerous choices of applications, software and multimedia that can be use for creating interactive and exciting lessons. Through adding the technology dimension into the lessons, lecturers have the chance to engage students, resulting in an energetic class.

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
My favorite piece of classroom technology is the Promethean Board. The benefits of using an interactive tool like the Promethean Board are tremendous. My young students are progressing and understanding content. It has increased interest and enthusiasm for learning. Every student is begging to get a chance to go up to the board to manipulate the flip charts.Which means that students are paying attention and want to participate!
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
A set of 5 to 6 iPads are on my wish list for my classroom. Having more than just one iPad would tremendously benefit the class and could have a group of students to interact at the same time.
What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
What I love most about teaching, is being able to help young students achieve their best. I love to see them walking into school happy and with a big smile. That means a lot to me!
Student using technology

Nominated by:
Diana Truesdale, Elementary Technology Integration Specialist
"Licette has embraced technology! She has been building flipcharts using a variety of tools including: adding images, inserting links/videos/music, linking flip charts together, etc. Her students are actively engaged with her lessons and interact with her flipcharts on a daily basis! The students use a Promethean wand to allow the technology to be easier to utilize. Not only does she build flipcharts, but she saves them to Google Drive. That way she can share them with her colleagues, access them at home, and they are stored easily. I am so proud of Licette and how she has embraced technology so that her students can be more actively engaged with her lessons!"