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December 2016 - Sarah Albright

Sarah Albright
What Do You Teach?
PK-5 Librarian
Where Do you Teach?
Travis Elementary
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
11 years as a classroom teacher, 5 1/2 years as a librarian

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
As a librarian, I try to use technology as often as possible in the library whether it be with iPads or a flipchart on the Promethean board. Finding innovative ways to present regular information engages students much more than just lecturing them. With the Promethean board, students can view and interact with concepts being taught rather than just hearing about it. By adding the iPad to the same lesson it allows the students to have hands-on experience which advances their understanding even more.

Students using technology      students using technology

How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?
Our students are more tech-savvy than ever before and using technology is the best way to reach them. The students are always excited when they see the iPads out which means they are more likely to stay engaged in the lesson. Of course there are some lessons that have to be taught using a lecture and demonstration. However, if an iPad or interactive flipchart can be added to the lecture, I’m almost guaranteed more participation and retention.
What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
My favorite piece of technology used in the library is the iPad. There are so many apps available to teach with and engage the students. iPads also provide a quick and easy way to access the Internet whether I’m wanting students to search the library catalog, take an AR test, or access our online databases. This is a necessity when having such a short amount of time with the students each week.
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
I am anxious to have our Apple TVs installed. Right now I am limited to the length of my Mini DisplayPort cord when using my iPad to show students something on the Promethean board. When the Apple TVs are installed, I will be able to move around the learning center with the iPad because it will be wireless--no cord needed!
What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
I love being a librarian because I get to see all grade levels and try new things with the students that they may not get to try in the classroom. I also love being able to introduce new resources to the students and teachers. It makes me happy when they are excited to take something I taught back to the classroom.
Nominated by:
Diana Truesdale, Elementary Technology Integration Specialist
"Mrs. Albright is a leader (in more ways than one) on her campus. I have heard many teachers tell me, "Mrs. Albright did that with my class" or "Mrs. Albright uses that technology tool all the time. I tried it too and love it!". Mrs. Albright continually seeks out new ways to integrate technology into her library lessons. She doesn't shy away from a challenge. She not only uses technology, but she shares her ideas and lessons with fellow librarians. Because of this, other librarians take her lead and try the technology in their own libraries! Again, she is a true leader!"