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February 2016 - Amanda Rayburn

Amanda Rayburn
What Do You Teach?
Where Do you Teach?
Lamar Elementary School
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
9 years in Education total, 2 years in Library

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Whether it's using the iPads or the Promethean, we use some form of technology almost every week in the library. I try to find ways for the students to present or view information that is new and exciting for them. This year I used QR codes for our library orientation and it
took something very basic and transformed it into an entertaining way to get information across. We have done lessons involving poetry, research, and story retelling using the iPads and the students always respond well to these activities. This year we explored coding with all students K-5. There are many great resources available online and as iPad apps. The students loved trying this out and are anxious to do more advanced coding lessons later in the year.
Student using technologyHow Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?
I think it's always great to have a wide variety of ways to present material. Reading aloud to a primary class is a wonderful thing, but sometimes the students are more engaged when we watch a BookFlix or an animated book. The older students enjoy creating avatars and short videos to present information whereas if I were to ask them to stand up and present the same information orally, I would get little response!

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
Getting our library iPads last year opened up so many great resources for us! The list of things we can do with them is endless and we haven't even truly began to use them at their full potential. The students get very excited when they walk in and see them on the tables!
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
My goal for this year is to expand the apps we have on our iPads. I want to get paid versions of some of our more popular apps so that the students have more options when creating presentations or making videos.
What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
I love being in the library because it gives me a chance to work with all ages of students. I enjoy doing things with them that are completely different from what they get to do in the classroom, but yet having it complement what they are learning. I want this to be a place that they look forward to visiting!
Student using technology

Nominated by:
Lori Roberts, Educational Technology Specialist - REL feeder
"Amanda created an exciting and engaging way for library orientation including the iPads, QR codes, and Tellagami. Students were actively engaged in learning about their library as opposed to students sitting and listening the entire time. Both teachers & students loved the activity. Amanda continuously finds new ways to integrate iPads into her library and shares these ideas with her own staff."