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Ed Tech Star of the Month

March 2020 - Mariam Augustin

Mariam Augustin
What Do You Teach?
4th Grade

Where Do you Teach?

Bowie Elementary School
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
18 years

Students using technologyHow Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Ed Tech allows my students to display their work and creativity digitally.

How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?

Technology in the classroom allows me to quickly share with and receive content from students physically and remotely. It also gives students the options use their digital talents in academic ways. Last, but not least, technology allows students to receive assessment feedback immediately and for me to quickly gather data on assessments.

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
My favorite piece of technology is my Apple TV. It allows me to model or demonstrate how to use Apps, especially for my visual and kinesthetic learners. Another favorite is google classroom. With classroom, I am able to create test/quizzes, digital escape rooms, projects, surveys, and many more.  

What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
Some items on my technology wish list are microphones and styli.

What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
What I love most about teaching is watching students grow. I also enjoy watching my students use their creativity and strengths to display their learning.

Students using technology
Nominated by:
Ciara Marks, teacher Bowie Elementary "Mrs. Augustin excels at using technology in the classroom through a variety of innovative ways. Her classroom is a true Google classroom and she frequently integrates various other apps and programs in her classroom such as: Kahoot, Quizziz, Seesaw and Imagine Math Facts to make learning more fun. Students are very happy and excited to be apart of her technology driven classroom. She is also very helpful and willing to give various resourceful tips and ideas to help with technology integration."