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November 2021 - Lindsey Shoemaker

Lindsey Shoemaker
What Do You Teach?
Physics & Astronomy 11th & 12th grade

Where Do you Teach?

Peter Hyland Center
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
36 years

Teacher using technologyHow Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Students use Edgenuity, Edpuzzle, and Google Classroom along with internet searches to complete assignments for Google Classroom. I try to give many items for students to search while learning.

How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?

Edpuzzle is a great resource by automatically grading multiple choice questions. I have to do the fill in the blank, but that is also fast and easy to grade.

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
I enjoy learning about new technology (at least to me). I enjoy iMovie, Clips, and Edpuzzle.
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
Goose Creek has provided everything I need.

What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
I enjoy making physics relate to their everyday life such as playing pool and applying the correct physics terms to a pool shot. They enjoyed it.
Nominated by:
Lori Roberts, Educational Technology Specialist - High Schools
"Lindsey Shoemaker continues to come up with innovative uses for technology in his classroom. Mr. Shoemaker has a number of courses that he teaches during the same class period at Peter Hyland. He utilizes Google Classroom and Edpuzzle to help deliver individualized content to his students. Additionally he integrates the iPad and apps like Clips and GarageBand into his curriculum to get student creating with technology. Mr. Shoemaker is also a technology leader on his campus, helping to share his knowledge to other staff members."