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April 2022 - Lauren Ciesiensky

Lauren Ciesiensky
What Do You Teach?
7th Grade English Language Arts

Where Do you Teach?

Highlands Junior School

How Long Have You Been Teaching?
6 years

Teacher using technologyHow Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
Educational technology is used throughout my entire day, from the time students walk in and check the Promethean board for their daily to do’s to the end of the day when the timer goes off as they complete their assignments using slides or forms. Having EdTech options are especially helpful for early finishers and in my intervention classes. Instead of extra worksheets, my students love to “choose their own adventure”. They have several options including a gamified ELA game called Dreamscape, high interest articles on NewsELA, funny grammar and writing practice on NoRedInk, and of course reading their library book or using other online e-book websites.

How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?

When I began teaching overseas, I had no technology at all. It definitely helped me hone my skills in other ways, but I noticed academic progress was slower than it is now with the technology resources GCCISD provides us. Since most student work is done on iPads, I have a portfolio of work to track progress, they don’t have to worry about keeping up with papers, and the work is so much more interactive. Not only has it greatly reduced the amount of time I spend grading, it allows for my students to receive immediate feedback on topics they might be struggling with on most of the platforms we use. With all the hats teachers are wearing these days, EdTech helps me be a better teacher!

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why? and my SmartBoard. The website is a customizable screen with text boxes, timers, the date, time, and so many other features that keep my classroom running smoothly. I have used it since my first year teaching in the US and I couldn’t live without it!
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
Extra iPads and 10 ft long chargers for students that forget to charge their iPads or don’t have iPads :)

What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
I love hearing students have great discussions and making connections in class, especially reluctant learners. Students are the future and its so fun to watch them find their voice!
Nominated by:Students using technology
Denice Massengale, Junior School Technology Integration Specialist
"Technology is a central part of her everyday routine. As students come in, they check the promethean for their agenda and reminders on When the timer goes off to signal the end of independent reading, it’s time to complete their weekly SEL check-in on google forms or go to for an interactive reading response. They use Google Classroom for daily assignments, review for tests on Quizizz and Blooket, practice grammar concepts on Pear Deck, and so much more."