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February 2022 - Michael Fanning

Michael Fanning
What Do You Teach?
12th grade Government & Economics and 9th grade Geography

Where Do you Teach?

Sterling High School
How Long Have You Been Teaching?
23 years

Teacher using technologyHow Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?
I have been using Google Classroom since before Covid, and it keeps me organized. I can work from anywhere with an internet connection and not have to worry about carrying a ton of papers everywhere.

How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?

Technology has so many uses. Checking for understanding, engagement, review.

What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?
It is a tie between Pear Deck and MineCraft. Pear Deck helps me check for understanding, and address misunderstandings without anyone feeling called out. MineCraft helps students apply some of what we are learning in an environment that they already understand.
What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?
I would really like to find more ways to integrate games into education in ways that aren't just Kahoot. Learning through games is fun, engaging, and helps kids that don't do well with the traditional lecture model of education. I would also like to have a classroom set of good stylus to help when using drawings on Pear Deck and other apps.

What Do You Love Most About Teaching?
I love interacting with kids and showing them how what I am teaching them is actually important to their future lives. I like building those relationships with the kids where they feel comfortable asking questions and we can decide on what the right answers are together.
Nominated by:Students using technology
Katie Ward, High School Technology Integration Specialist
"Michael is always eager to learn new things with technology in the classroom. He loves to use Eduphoria and Pear Deck to provide immediate feedback to his students and use the data to guide his lessons."