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March - 2023

   Diane Delgado

Name: Diane Delgado


What Do You Teach?

I teach literacy and STEM library lessons.

Where Do you Teach?

 San Jacinto Elementary


How Long Have You Been Teaching?

I have been teaching for 13 years.

How Does Educational Technology Play a Role in Your Classroom?

Educational technology provides a more engaging environment where students can collaboratively learn together, and it helps students become more familiar with technology programs that they may use in school, personal lives,  and future careers.


How Do You Find Technology in the Classroom Helpful?

Technology is helpful in my library because it builds a community of learners where students can learn from each other as they explore different technology devices in their learning.


What Is Your Favorite Piece of Classroom Technology? Why?

My favorite piece of technology is the Lego Spikes because it allows students to collaboratively work, and problem solve together to build a robotic object!


What Is On Your Technology Wish List For Your Classroom? Why?

The Sphero Indi is on my technology wish list because it is an entry level programming robot for my primary learners.  Students can learn the basics of coding, problem solving, and computational thinking skills collaboratively.


What Do You Love Most About Teaching?

What I love most about teaching is seeing my students actively engaged in their learning as they explore various technology devices.  When they are happy and eager to come visit the library that makes me happy and reminds me that I am making a difference in their learning.