Baytown Lee High School News
REL Counselors |Campus Calendar |Athletics
REL on Facebook |REL on Twitter
REL Bell Schedule
REL Tutorial Schedule
Dear Gander Families,
1st six weeks report cards went home with students on Wednesday October 14, 2020 and were available to view in the parent portal on Thursday, October 15, 2020. Parents of virtual students will have the option to request a paper copy of their child’s report card. Please call 281-420-4535 so the receptionist can have a copy for you to pick up or so one can be emailed to you.
2nd Six Weeks Progress Report Grades will be available to view in the Parent Portal on Tuesday, October 26, 2020
Nutrition and Food Services
Breakfast is free for all students every day. If you are an online student, you can pick up free meals at your nearest elementary school through December 31st. Free and Reduced Price Lunches are available to families who qualify. We encourage all of our families to apply, GCCISD offers Instant Online Application Processing for parents to easily and conveniently apply for meal benefits for your child(ren). You can select the language of the application at the bottom of the page. Students that qualify can also receive additional discounts and opportunities like ACT and SAT waivers and fee waivers for some college application fees. If you qualified last year, you need to renew each year. The deadline to complete the application is TODAY, Friday, October 16, 2020.
Houston Food Bank
Point Alternative Center will host the Houston Food Bank Mobile Unit today Friday October 16, 2020 from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. at 401 Jones Road, Highlands TX 77562. The mobile unit offers free, healthy food and is open to the community.
School Pictures
Underclassmen pictures are scheduled for October 26 and 27. Additional information regarding how online students can get their school pictures taken is forthcoming.
Changing from Face-to-Face to Virtual or Virtual to Face-to-Face
Friday, October 2 was the deadline to change from virtual to face-to-face learning or from face-to-face to virtual learning for the 2nd six weeks. If you did not change your student’s method of instruction by 11:59 p.m. October 2, he or she must continue with their method of instruction until the end of the next six weeks. To change for the 3rd six weeks you will have until November 4 to change. To request a change, please go to Back to School Registration on our website at www.gccisd.net and complete the change request form. Below is a link with step by step instructions.
If you have any questions of how to fill out the form, you can contact your student’s counselor.
• 9th Grade: Mrs. Pitre, shaunice.pitre@gccisd.net
• 10th Grade: Kristin Reyes, Kristin.reyes2@gccisd.net
• 11th Grade: Mrs. Kujawa, kimberly.kujawa@gccisd.net
•12th Grade: Mrs. Acreman, loretta.acreman@gccisd.net
Tutorials are offered before & after school. Please check the REL Tutorial Schedule to see when your teacher is available. If your teacher is not available on a day you need to stay, see if another teacher who teaches the same subject is available and get the help you need. Teachers will be available inperson and through WebEx for our online students or face-to-face students who cannot stay after school. Check Google Classroom for the link to your teacher’s WebEx tutorials. The link to the tutoring schedule is also available at the top of the page.
Face Masks
Students must wear a mask once they enter the campus. Students who refuse to wear their masks will forfeit their opportunity to receive face to face instruction and will be sent home. Masks are included in the dress codes in the Student Handbook which is posted on the GCCISD website. Please remind
your student to have an extra masks or face coverings in their backpack. Face masks are required to be worn at all times except when eating. Students should have an extra mask with them in the event if one becomes dirty, wet or damaged. Thank you for your support!
Student At-Home Self
Check Click HERE to see a flowchart (English & Spanish versions) that can be used as a helpful tool to determine when to send your child to school and when to keep them home when they are not feeling well.
Student Parking
We are selling parking tags for students who drive to park on campus. They can be purchased in the 10th grade Office (Room 185). Students need their parking sticker to park in the parking lot. The cost of parking stickers has gone up. They are now $20.00. You need to show your license and a copy of your insurance with the vehicle you will be using.
As a reminder, students are not allowed to go to their vehicles during the school day and they cannot use their vehicle to leave campus during the school day unless they have early release. Violations will result in suspension or revocation of the parking permit.
Students Required to Wear IDs
For the safety of all students, high school students must wear their District-issued ID badges at all times while on campus in a visible manner. The lanyard with the ID should be hung around the student’s neck and visible from the front. Students were given their IDs on the first day of school and a lanyard. If a student did not get an ID the first week, they need to go to their grade level AP office to request one. If a student forgets their ID on a given day, they can purchase a temporary ID for $1.00 in their grade level AP office. If they lose their ID, they can purchase a new one for $5. Students can also choose to purchase their own lanyard or ID holder.
Deliveries to Campus
Visitors are not allowed on campus during the 2020-2021 school year unless you already have a scheduled meeting with an administrative office. Most teacher conferences should be conducted through WebEx. Deliveries, including food, for students are not allowed during the 2020-2021 school year. Students will not be allowed to pick up deliveries outside of the building. Students will not be called out of class and items will not be delivered to the student.
Stay Up-to-Date
There are many ways to stay up-to-date with what is happening at Lee HS. Gander News will be sent our weekly. Many Lee HS organizations maintain active Social Media accounts. Some are “official” accounts run by school staff, and others are supporters of our school organizations and teams. Please feel free to follow some or all for the most current information. Please click on the following links to like and follow our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Being present for all your classes is important whether you are face-to face or online. Failure to be present face-to-face or virtually on any given day could result in a truancy violation, a failing grade or loss of credit, which could jeopardize meeting graduation requirements. If for whatever reason a student misses their face-to-face or WebEx meeting for their class, please check Google Classroom for any assignments they need to complete to get credit for attendance and grades.
Senior Info
Senior Portraits:
Senior Portraits for the yearbook and personal purchase will take place on October 30th. Information on how virtual seniors will take their senior portraits is forthcoming.
From the Counselors’ Office
Please visit our new Counselors’ and College & Career Center page:
Advanced Placement Exam Registration Information
Advanced Placement Exam Registration is right around the corner. Make sure to click HERE for ongoing information.
Scholarship Information
The Rotary Club’s Youth Exchange Scholarship Program. Do you want to join over 9,000 students living in over 80 countries? Do you have a desire to explore the world and learn a new language? Do you want to make memories & lasting friendships for a lifetime? Additional program information may be found at https://www.ryehouston.com/
For additional scholarships, some with due dates that are coming soon, please click HERE
Fine Arts
Celebrities & JV Belles
We are hoping to raise funds for our spring competitions, costumes, choreography, end of year banquet, and our annual spring show! Please help us to reach our team goal of $11,000. Any amount is appreciated! Thank you in advance for helping support the award winning REL Celebrities & JV Belles! Click here to donate.
Gander Sports
For the 2020-2021 school year, tickets will not be sold at home games. All tickets must be purchased online and only a select number of fans will be allowed to attend each game to practice social distancing due to COVID-19. Below is information about how to purchase tickets for Lee HS home athletic events.
1. Go to Goose Creek C.I.S.D Website: Gccisd.net
2. Go to top right hand of page and click on DEPARTMENTS.
3. Go to the Department labeled ATHLETICS.
4. In the left grey box click on TICKET INFORMATION
5. Find your game and purchase your tickets.
6. No one will be allowed to enter the game without a ticket.
Purchase tickets through our online link and come support our Ganders!! https://www.gccisd.net/page/Athletics.Ticket
Goose Creek C.I.S.D. will follow all Covid-19 Guidelines. Masks will be required and worn at all times.
GCCISD athletic events are streamed live. Never miss a game; just click the link for your team below!
Lee FB - https://bit.ly/3cyJn9n
Lee VB - https://bit.ly/3mRCgxJ
Tennis Tuesday, 10/20/20: Meet @ Crosby. Meet starts at 3:30pm
Cross Country Friday, 10/23/20: Alvin ISD Freedom Run 2 @ Freedom Field, Iowa Colony – 10am start
Volleyball Saturday, 10/17/20: Ganders Vs Santa Fe. Games start at 2pm Tuesday, 10/20/20: Ganders Vs Texas City. Games start at 4:30pm Tuesday, 10/22/20: Ganders @ Sterling. (Varsity Only) Game starts at 4:30pm Friday, 10/23/20: Ganders @ Galveston Ball. Games start at 4:30pm
Football Friday, 10/16/20: Gander Football vs La Porte. Stallworth Stadium (Homecoming) Time is 7:00pm Thursday, 10/22/20: Freshman Gander Football @ GCM. Time is 5:00 Thursday, 10/22/20: JV Gander Football Vs GCM. Time is 5:00 Friday, 10/23/20: Gander Football @ GCM. Stallworth Stadium (Away) Time is 7:00pm
Come Early, Be Loud, & Wear your Ganders Maroon! Please come out and support our GANDERS!
Dr. Rom Crespo Principal, Baytown Lee High School, 281-420-4535