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Mitzi Oliver

Mitzi Oliver


Phone: 281-420-1230

Contact Me

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Perseverance clip art

About Me


Hi, my name is Mitzi Oliver. I am excited to be the school counselor at Bañuelos Elementary School. I earned a Bachelor of Science and Master of School Administration both from Texas Southern University. In addition, I earned a Master of School Counseling from Lamar University. I have over twenty years of experience as an educator. I have a passion for working with children and helping them reach their highest potential of social and emotional success. As an aspiring school counselor, my objective is to be an effective and unbiased counselor that effectively guide students in life choices and career endeavors while advocating the counseling profession, upholding ethical standards, and committing to lifelong learning.


My Philosophy


My philosophy of school counseling includes building relationships with students of all backgrounds and focusing on the “whole child”. As well as promoting a collaborative relationship with parents, community, and staff. As a professional school counselor, I will assure that all students feel a sense of self-worth by knowing and embracing who they are. Creating a nonjudgmental and compassionate counseling program is my desire. Helping students see their potential and self-worth is my goal.



    • Listen
    • Problem-solve issues of concern
    • Provide support when dealing with personal problems
    • Create a plan for academic success
    • Explore career awareness

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    • Provide support for parents seeking help
    • Provide information regarding available community resources
    • Share information about their child within the boundaries of the counselor’s professional ethics
    • Review student academic performance

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    • Help identify and assist students with academic difficulties
    • Assist administration in coordinating activities such as orientation and registration
    • Assist staff in teaching curriculum dealing with the Comprehensive School Counseling Program.

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