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photo of Benjamin Duong

Benjamin Duong, M.Ed.


Phone: 281-420-4625

About Me

My name is Benjamin Duong, I am a counselor at Lamar Elementary. I have been in education for 5 years. Some of my hobbies include gardening, cooking, and gaming. I have been married for 3 years, and have two cats, Mushu and Taffy.

I am excited to start my counseling career here at Lamar Elementary and grateful that the community, students, and staff are welcoming. I’m excited to grow and learn with Lamar. My goal is to support the students with what they need to succeed, in and out of the school. 


Lamar Elementary’s Counseling Program


Our counseling program is a model of a Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program which includes the four components of Guidance Curriculum, Responsive Services, Individual Planning,and System Support. The responsibilities of each area are:


  • Guidance Curriculum - Guidance lessons on a variety of topics; large-group consultations with students
  • Responsive Services - Individual counseling sessions; parent consultations regarding individual student needs; coordination with outside referral sources
  • Individual Planning - Academic and career guidance; parent and student consultation regarding planning and goal-setting; interpretation and analysis of assessment instruments
  • System Support - Community outreach; parent education programs; teacher consultation; school improvement planning




Developing good character is an on-going process at Lamar Elementary. We focus on a different character trait each month. Our character traits are kindness, courage, self-control, forgiveness, respect, diligence, loyalty, honesty, and confidence. For each classroom, the student who displayed the best example of that trait for the month is honored at a morning character reception.


Lamar Pride


Lamar Pride on our campus consists of fifth graders that volunteer their time in providing a variety of services to help our school. We have flag personnel, recycle assistance, announcers, library assistants, greeters, attendance helpers, gym monitors, car line duty. These students are valuable leaders to our campus.

Parent Resources