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Welcome to George H. Gentry Junior School


Mustang Excellence

"Home of Scholars and Champions"


George H. Gentry Junior School, home of the Mustangs, was built creating an exciting, supportive environment for both teaching and learning. Over 1,000 students spend their days here – working, learning, and succeeding.


Our Mission…


The mission of George H. Gentry Junior High School is to influence students to become independent, competent, and innovative learners, who become successful, confident leaders of tomorrow.


Our Vision...


The vision of Gentry Junior School is to ignite a passion for learning, where effort and imagination leads to innovation.


Value Statement...


Ignite. Innovate. Imagine.



    • Facilitated instruction which provides special education students with support for success in the regular classroom.
    • Alternate Learning Center for all students in need of a special academic setting – “Super Lab” – or small group setting.
    • After school tutorials – by teacher invitation only. Tutorials are objective specific and transportation is provided.
    • Life Skills – for education handicapped students
    • Interdisciplinary teams GATE (gifted and talented education)/Pre-AP for sixth through eighth grade students who may be interested in Advanced Placement classes in high school.
    • ESL for transitional Spanish speaking students.
    • Award winning Fine Arts programs such as: Band Choir Orchestra Art Theater Arts
    • Electives such as: Industrial Technology
    • Journalism – (Eighth grade students only)
    • Health/Personal Fitness (High school credit program)
    • Outstanding Athletic Programs Helps students develop personal skills, skills in group dynamics and effective leadership skills.
    • CIS (Communities in Schools) Intervention by mentoring students
    • PALS (Peer Assisted Leadership) High school students mentor Gentry students.

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