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Dual Language 2 way Program
DL teacher team
We are so excited to be one of the campuses that offers the Dual Language Two-Way Program for students. 
  • What is the Dual Language Two-Way Program?

    It is an enriched educational model that integrates native English speakers and native Spanish speakers in the same classroom to promote second language acquisition, high academic achievement, and cross-cultural understanding.


    What is the goal of Dual Language Two-Way Program?

    The goal of the program is to prepare students to graduate bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural.


    Benefits of the Dual Language Two-Way Program

    The benefits include high levels of academic achievement and literacy in both languages, increased cultural sensitivity and empathy, increased confidence, and self-esteem, along with increased future marketability.


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Kindergarten Dual Language Two Way Program

  • Español

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First Grade Dual Language Two Way Program

  • All 1st grade Dual Language students have access to the following programs on their ClassLink Portal:

    • iStation
    • RAZ plus (Reading A-Z)

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Second Grade Dual Language Two Way Program

  • All 2nd grade Dual Language students have access to the following programs on their ClassLink Portal:

    • RAZ plus (Reading A-Z)
    • Summit

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