Nurse's Corner
Carver Elementary would like to encourage you to send your child to school daily. In order for students to perform at their best, they should be well rested, eat healthy balanced meals and practice safe, healthy habits. We work diligently to keep all students safe and healthy during the school day. Please help us to keep all our students safe and healthy by keeping your child home if he/she is displaying symptoms of an illness. This will help to prevent the spread of infection and illness among our students.
Students should be kept at home for the following reasons:
- Temperature of 100 degrees or above within the past 24 hours
- Diarrhea and/or vomiting more than once within the past 24 hours
- Red, itchy eye with drainage
- Ringworm of the scalp
- Intense itching with open lesions or signs of secondary infection
- Undetermined rash
Furthermore, any student who has had a temperature of 100 degrees or above should remain at home until they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of a fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or Motrin. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school at (281) 420-4600.