Thank you Walmart IDC 7042 for graciously donating disinfectant wipes for all students and staff!

As the saying goes, “You can always come back home.” Over 100 Goose Creek CISD graduates that are new employees were recognized during this week’s New Teacher Orientation. These graduates bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experiences that will allow them to relate to the students they will educate. Superintendent Dr. Randal O’Brien prides the district’s record of hiring graduates. “A large majority of our employees are graduates of this district,” he stated. “Our district is a success in large part to those giants that return home to teach the next crop of world leaders.” The district’s New Teacher Orientation concludes on August 5th and the first day of school is August 18th.
Photos by Kristyn Cathey
The first day of school is a few weeks away and Goose Creek CISD is getting their new educators geared up and ready to tackle the new year! Highlands Junior School is ground zero from August 3-5th for the over 300 new GCCISD giants. The gym was filled with newbie and veteran educators; many that are homegrown, while some come from as far as Beaumont. Each day is filled with innovative workshops guaranteed to prepare every teacher for their new lives as district teachers. With more educators hired daily, the district is well on its way to filling its teacher rosters. New Teacher Orientation will conclude on August 5th and the first day of school is August 18th.
Photos by Carrie Pryor-Newman
"During the 2020-2021 school year, our junior high students did not get out until 4:30 p.m. This made it difficult to retain staff on that level. The Board voted pre-COVID for the high school to have a late start. This was a temporary fix due to the ramifications of COVID, such as bus driver shortages. The Superintendent, Board and Executive Council discussed in detail the start and end times for all of our students for the upcoming school year. The earlier start time for our high school students will allow them the ability to do activities outside of school; including employment. The three-tier busing system groups campuses together in a feeder pattern. This system, designed by Transportation Director, Rick Walterschield, allows us to maximize the impact of our current school bus drivers. We believe this will assist us in making the travel process to and from school and extracurricular activities a lot smoother. The new schedule will in no way hinder the students that participate in extracurricular activities any extension of time on campus will be minimal. We understand and recognize that there are concerns from the public as it pertains to this decision. With COVID-19 restrictions lessening, we made what we believe to be the best decision with both our students and our staff in mind.
We thank our Superintendent and board for approving the purchase of 44 new buses and an increase in pay for our drivers. This now puts us in a position to have the highest starting salary for bus drivers in our area."
Susan Jackson
Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
"Durante el año escolar 2020-2021, la hora de salida para nuestros estudiantes de la secundaria fue hasta las 4:30 p.m. Esto hizo que fuera difícil mantener al personal a ese nivel. La Mesa Directiva votó pre-COVID para que la escuela secundaria comenzara tarde. Esta fue una solución temporal debido a las consecuencias del COVID, así como la escasez de choferes de autobús. El Superintendente, la Mesa Directiva y el Consejo Ejecutivo discutieron en detalle las horas de entrada y salida de clases para todos nuestros estudiantes para el siguiente año escolar. La hora de entrada más temprana para nuestros estudiantes de secundaria les permitirá realizar actividades fuera de la escuela; incluyendo trabajar. El sistema de transporte de tres niveles agrupa a las escuelas en un patrón. Este sistema, diseñado por el Director de Transporte, Rick Walterschield, nos permite maximizar el impacto de nuestros actuales choferes de autobuses escolares. Creemos que esto nos ayudará a hacer que el proceso de viaje hacia y desde la escuela y también a las actividades extracurriculares sean mucho más sencillas. El nuevo horario de ninguna manera obstaculizará a los estudiantes que participen en actividades extracurriculares, cualquier extensión de tiempo en la escuela será mínima. Entendemos y reconocemos que hay preocupaciones del público en lo que respecta a esta decisión. Con la disminución de las restricciones de COVID-19, tomamos lo que creemos que es la mejor decisión teniendo en cuenta tanto a nuestros estudiantes como a nuestro personal.
Agradecemos a nuestro Superintendente y la Mesa Directiva por aprobar la compra de 44 autobuses nuevos y un aumento en el salario de nuestros choferes. Esto ahora nos coloca en una posición para tener el salario inicial más alto para los choferes de autobús en nuestra área."
Susan Jackson
Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction