To Access the Library Catalog
Destiny Discover is the place to find eBooks (electronic books) to read on your device! Students from Ashbel Smith can check out up to 5 eBooks at a time. eBooks are returned automatically after 7 days. However, if a student is not done reading a particular book, he/she may check it out again for another 7-day period.
1. Students will log into their Class Link(opens external link in new window) account
a. Username - ID Number (this can be found in the Parent Portal(opens external link in new window)(opens external link in new window))
b. Password - 8-digit birthday
2. Select the Destiny Discover tile. It will log in your child automatically.
3. When searching for an eBook, look for this logo in the corner of the book:

4. Once your child checks out an eBook, go to My Stuff > Checkouts to continue reading the book.
5. While browsing eBooks, look for the section at the bottom of the homepage called "Lightbox Books". These books focus on various science-related topics and have interactive features such as videos, slideshows, maps, and more!