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click here for more information about our CATCH (coordinated approach to child health) program
picture of coach kunz on the left and coach kotlarz on the left

Physical Education



Coach Kunz

Coach Kotlarz

Parents, please utilize ParentSquare to contact your student's teacher(s).

ParentSquare Login for Parents


We are a CATCH school!

What is CATCH?


Need healthy eating options?

Check out our slow, woah, and GO foods!

Click the video below to learn more! 

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Important Information: 

Students will rotate days that they will come to their different specials classes (P.E., Art, Music, Theatre) based on their color group. All students are assigned a color group. Please make sure that you ask your child what color group they are and have them come prepared with running/jogging shoes, appropriate jogging clothes, and a water bottle for their run/jog days. 

3rd-5th grade students will be involved in a cross country meet at the end of the year. Top 5 girls and top 5 boys in each grade will be invited to participate in this event. 


Click the links below for monthly rotation schedules:

January Specials Rotations Schedule

February Specials Rotations Schedule

March Specials Rotations Schedule

April Specials Rotation Schedule

May Specials Rotation Schedule