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Horace Mann Junior - Student Council

student council sponsor

Rosa Gonzalez

Student Council Sponsor

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Student Council Vision Statement 


Description:  Student Council is a student centered organization that represents the general interests of all students on campus. It is made up of students from all three grade levels.


Purpose:  Student Council has several projects that it carries out throughout the year. Some examples are:  Red Ribbon Week, Keep Baytown Beautiful, and Holiday Food Drive.


Organization:  Student Council has four executive officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. There are representatives from each grade level. Student Council is designed to get students involved and to have a hand in various campus, district, and community activities.



Benefits of joining Student Council are:

• Showing school pride
• Demonstrate leadership potential
• Service to community and fellow students
• Working with campus administration
• Participate District and Community level meetings and activities