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Nurse Martinez

Paige Martinez


Phone: 281-420-4645



About Nurse Martinez

Hello Crockett Crusaders! My name is Paige Martinez, the new school nurse at Crockett Elementary School. This will be my 6th year working as a nurse. I was previously at HCA Clear Lake in the Pediatric ICU and at Texas Children’s Hospital for the past 2 years. I have also subbed as a school nurse for 4 years and I am beyond excited to start this journey as a permanent position! I graduated from Southern Nazarene University with my BSN and recently graduated from Houston Baptist University with my MSN. I am looking forward to meeting all the students and parents this school year. I am here to provide a safe and healthy environment, along with any open communication that is needed!

Important Reminders

Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year. In the efforts of illness prevention and wellness promotion the health services department would like to share the following important parent/guardian reminders:

  • For any food allergies documentation from your pediatrician will be needed. This will ensure that changes can be made in the nutrition department/cafeteria to prevent any distribution of the specific food that the student is allergic to. Without this documentation these changes cannot be placed in the system. We want to ensure the safety of all students! If you have any questions, please reach out.
  • Please send a change of clothing (weather appropriate) for your child to keep in their backpack. Children, no matter what age, often have spills, bathroom accidents, slip in the mud, etc. and need to change their clothing while at school.
  • All medication should be dropped off and picked up from the school clinic by a parent or guardian. Students are not allowed to carry or self-administer medication while at school. Cough drops are a medication and should be delivered by an adult to the nurse.
  • Any medication that needs to be administered during school hours will require paperwork to be completed and signed in the school nurse’s office prior to medication administration. Some medications may require paperwork that needs to be signed by a physician.
  • Please call or make arrangements to meet with the school nurse to discuss any health issues or medical concerns you may have regarding your child as soon as possible. This will help bring awareness of all health conditions on campus and allow us to better accommodate your student and their learning environment.
Health Guidelines

In the interest of illness prevention, we are asking for your cooperation with the following guidelines:

  • Students with a fever of 100.0 or greater should not be sent to school. All students should be fever free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medication before returning to school.
  • Students should be free of diarrhea and/or vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Students with obvious symptoms of any contagious disease such as pink-eye, impetigo, or undetermined rash should be evaluated/treated by a physician and return with a written release from their doctor’s office.
  • Please review our districts safe return to school plan located on the district website and complete the COVID self-assessment with your student each morning before coming to school. 
  • Click the button below to view some guidelines regarding when it is best to stay home and when it is ok to return to school.



We wish you all a healthy school year and appreciate your help and cooperation with these matters.