Campus Links
District Links
Week of March 24-30, 2025

This Week @ GCM:


Monday, March 24

NHS Meetings: a.m. - Chen; p.m. - Library


Tuesday, March 25

Freshman Tennis @ Clear Lake Tournament

3:00 p.m. - AHL Meeting @ Library

Softball @ Atascocita (JV 5:00, V 6:30 p.m.)

Varsity Baseball @ Northshore (7:00 p.m.)

Sophomore/JV Baseball vs. Northshore @ GCM (Soph 4:30, JV 7:00 p.m.)

7:30 p.m. - Girls' Soccer vs. Fort Bend Austin - Playoff Game @ Hall Stadium, Missouri City


Wednesday, March 26

SAT Administration

3:00 p.m. - PBIS/Bullying Committee Meeting


Thursday, March 27

All Day - Vaccine Drive @ Library

JV Tennis - Baytown Tournament @ GCM

2:30 p.m. - JV Girls' Track & Field @ District 23-6A Meet, CE King HS

3:00 p.m. - AHL Meeting @ Library

6:00 p.m. - Cheer Meeting @ Library


Friday, March 28

Varsity Tennis @ Beachcomber Tournament, Galveston

Varsity Baseball vs. Northshore @ GCM (7:00 p.m.)

Sophomore/JV Baseball @ Northshore (Soph 4:30, JV 7:00 p.m.)

Softball @ Kingwood (JV 5:00, V 6:30 p.m.)


Upcoming Events:

April 2 - HOSA Blood Drive

April 4 - Relay for Life @ Barbers Hill HS



Thrift It Forward: This week is the final week to donate clothes for our upcoming Thrift it Forward event! Bring your donations to Ms. Rodriguez in Room E139 and receive a Chick-fil-A gift card as a thank you!

Event Details:

Date: Friday, April 4th
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Goose Creek Memorial High School

Join us for a night of shopping, music, Chick-fil-A, and most importantly, making a difference! All proceeds will go toward funding college scholarships for our graduating seniors.

Don’t miss out on this chance to give back and have some fun! See you there!


HOSA Blood Drive: Hey Patriots! Let’s close out the school year by helping others!

Sign up to donate blood on April 2, and help others to stay alive with your gift.
Seniors, this is your last chance to have your donation count towards your graduation cord.
Besides helping others to live, donors will get free snacks and a t-shirt.
Seniors who have donated 3 or more times here at GCM will be eligible for special prizes!
Remember, you must be at least 16 years old and weigh at least 120 lb to donate.
What are you waiting for? Use one of the QR codes around the school to sign up today!
Questions? See Mrs. Cheshire in W-109.


GBA Ambassadors: GBA Ambassador Applications are now open for the 2025-2026 school year. To apply, scan the QR code on the fliers that are posted around school. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 28. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Brooks in W120.


Week of March 17-23, 2025

This Week @ GCM:

Prom Tickets on Sale all week in the Senior Office!


Monday, March 17

3:00-5:00 p.m. - After-School Edgenuity @ Library

TSA Spirit Night at Raising Cane's

6:00 p.m. - GCM Dazzlers/Charms parent meeting @ Cafeteria

6:00 p.m. - Girls' Soccer vs. George Ranch (playoff warmup game) @ GCM


Tuesday, March 18

Senior Cram Jam

Freshman Tennis @ Humble Tournament

3:00-5:00 p.m. - After-School Edgenuity @ Library

Softball @ Channelview (JV 5:00, Varsity 6:30 p.m.)

5:30 p.m. - Cheer Meeting @ Library

7:00 p.m. - Varsity Baseball @ CE King 

4:30/7:00 p.m. - Sophomore/JV Baseball vs. CE King @ GCM


Wednesday, March 19

2:55-3:45 p.m. - FBLA @ SW113

2:55 p.m. - CSU @ W241

3:00-5:00 p.m. - After-School Edgenuity @ Library

3:00 p.m. - PBIS/Bullying Meeting


Thursday, March 20

10:00 a.m. - Girls' Varsity Track & Field @ Rockhold Relays/RE Lee

3:00-5:00 p.m. - After-School Edgenuity @ Library


Friday, March 21

9:00 a.m. - Senior Panoramic Photo

3:00-5:00 p.m. - After-School Edgenuity @ Library

Softball vs. Humble @ GCM (JV 5:00, V 6:30 p.m.)

7:00 p.m. - Girls' Soccer Playoff Game vs. Clear Lake @ GCM

7:00 p.m. - Varsity Baseball vs. CE King @ GCM

4:30/7:00 p.m. - Sophomore/JV Baseball @ CE King


Saturday, March 22

8:00 a.m. - TSIA @ Library


Upcoming Events:

March 26 - SAT Testing

March 27 - Vaccine Drive



Girls' Soccer: The first-round playoff game will take place at GCM on Friday, March 21, at 7:00 p.m. against Clear Lake.


Boys' Soccer: The first-round playoff game will take place at Brazoswood on Friday, March 21.


Seniors - Important Dates!

Prom Ticket Sales - 3/17-3/21 - Senior Office
Senior Panoramic Pictures - 3/21
Senior Fun Day Permission Slips - DUE 3/24 - NO Exceptions!
Cap & Gown Delivery - 4/9 - all lunches


Senior Panoramic Pictures: To order from Goldbeck Co. -

Option #1 – Online Pre-order Code: PATRIOTS  **Code expires at midnight on 3/23**

 Option #2 - Bring money to lunch on Monday, March 24th

All students will pick up pictures on March 24th during lunch. 

They accept Cash, Check, or Debit/Credit Cards. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO “Goldbeck Company”

Call (210) 656-1445 or Email

$30.00 – 1 large laminated formal  *Not available online*

$35.00 – 2 Picture Package (1 large laminated formal & 1 medium informal)

$45.00 - 3 Picture Package (1 large formal, 1 medium informal, & 1 medium aerial ‘25)


GCM Dazzlers/Charms: If you are interested in auditioning for the GCM Dazzlers or JV Charms, you and a parent must attend a mandatory parent meeting on Monday, March 17, at 6:00 p.m. in the GCM cafeteria. Tryouts will be March 27-28.


NHS: There will be a meeting on Monday, March 24. The morning meeting is in Mrs. Chen's room and the afternoon is in the library. All members are required to attend either the morning or afternoon meeting. All officer candidates must attend both the morning and the afternoon meeting on this day.


FBLA: The next FBLA Regular Meeting will be Wednesday, March 19, after school in Mr. Freeman's room (SW113). 2:55-3:45 p.m. We have several things to discuss regarding the rest of our spring semester.


CSU: The Christian Student Union will have their next meeting on Wednesday, March 19, after school in W241.


Clothing Donation Drive: 
Do you have gently used clothes that you no longer wear? Here’s your chance to make a difference.

GCM’s Chick-fil-A Leader Academy is hosting a clothing donation drive now through March 28th for the upcoming “Thrift it Forward” event. All proceeds from the event will go towards a college scholarship for one or more of our graduating seniors.

Students, staff, and community members are encouraged to drop off Men’s, Women’s, and children’s clothing, shoes, accessories, and/or outerwear of all sizes to Ms. Rodriguez in Room E139.

First 50 people who donate a large bag or box of clothing will receive a free chick fil a sandwich coupon.

Clean out your closet and “Thrift it Forward”!


Crime Stoppers: We will meet on Monday, March 24, at 3:00 p.m. in Mrs. James' room SW121. We are finalizing Jail-A-Thon plans and duties.

Week of March 3-9, 2025

This Week @ GCM: French Week


Student Council: Student Council meeting on Tuesday, March 4, in the Library after school - 3:00-3:45 p.m.


Presidents Council: Are you a PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT of a club or organization?

There will be a Presidents Council meeting in the Library after school on WDNESDAY, March 5, from 3:00-3:45pm.

This is where the Presidents come together and share campus ideas.


Christian Student Union: CSU will meet Wednesday, March 5, right after school in W241.


Relay for Life T-Shirt Fundraiser: Relay for Life is April 4th. This year, the theme of the event is "Adios Cancer". 100% of the proceeds from the shirts will go directly back to Relay For Life. Order your shirts through the online shop for only $15. The shop will be closed on March 19th, so make sure and purchase TODAY! We would LOVE for all staff and students to wear your shirt to school the day of the event, April 4th, so don't be left out! JOIN THE "FIEST SQUAD" AND SAY ADIOS TO CANCER!


PALs: Sophomores and Juniors: If you were nominated for PALs, you received an email with your PAL application.

Please make sure you are checking your school email daily. If you received this application and are interested in the PAL course,

please complete application by this Friday, March 7th, by 4:00pm.


Thrift It Forward! Do you have gently used clothes that you no longer wear?

Here’s your chance to make a difference. GCM’s Chick-fil-A Leader Academy is hosting a clothing donation drive now through March 28th

for the upcoming “Thrift it Forward” event. All proceeds from the event will go towards a college scholarship

for one or more of our graduating seniors. Students, staff, and community members are encouraged

to drop off Men’s, Women’s, and children’s clothing, shoes, accessories, and/or outerwear of all sizes

to Ms. Rodriguez in Room E139. First 50 people who donate a large bag or box of clothing will

receive a free chick fil a sandwich coupon. Clean out your closet and “Thrift it Forward”!